What I miss about Mexico
Teopanzolco Ruins in Cuernavaca, Morelos Letting people know that you're not from the USA leads to a lot of different questions, sometimes about me, sometimes about culture, sometimes about politics (yes, really...). One of the most common questions is "What do you miss about Mexico?" and I guess the most common answer is the most obvious, my family. My parents with my little kid. When I leave Mexico, my mom just had a really bad accident, and she was in bed without being able to move. My dad was in between jobs, and the country was a hot mess. I felt horrible, leaving my parents and not being able to help them out as I would've liked, but my son was already in the USA after I drove almost 38 hours straight to Missouri to leave him and my wife with her parents, I had spent the last few months organizing everything, I had quit my job, sold my car and all the extra stuff I didn't need, spent more than "a little too much" getting all my doc...